Fi­nance provider Cap­i­talflow has ac­quired BBF Cap­i­tal Part­ners, the firm said. The merged firms will pro­vide term loan fa­cil­i­ties and bridg­ing fi­nance prod­ucts to Ir­ish prop­erty in­vestors, Cap­i­talflow said. Since join­ing forces in De­cem­ber, Cap­i­talflow has fi­nanced the re­cent ac­qui­si­tion of Oran­more Town Centre in Gal­way. Be­fore join­ing Cap­i­talflow, BBF Cap­i­tal Part­ners pro­vided over €40m in fa­cil­i­ties to busi­nesses. Cap­i­talflow said the ac­qui­si­tion means they can pro­vide even more fi­nance op­tions to Ir­ish busi­nesses.