COVID-19 Credit
Guarantee Scheme

In partnership with the SBCI, Capitalflow is offering Hire
Purchase and Leasing to eligible SMEs at discounted
rates under the Covid-19 Credit Guarantee
Scheme (Covid-19 CGS)
* Please note that the Covid-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme will expire on the 30th June 2022.
Be aware that Capitalflow will not accept new applications under this Scheme from 15th June
(max term on applications after the 1st June is 60 months)

Key Features

The Scheme is aimed at helping businesses that have experienced an adverse impact of a minimum of 15% in actual or projected turnover or profit, due to the impact of COVID-19

A Guarantee for a percentage of the loan is provided for facilities from €10,000 to €1 million. Total facilities may not exceed €1 million

Eligible funding under the Scheme includes Equipment and Machinery Hire Purchase, Leasing and Refinance

No additional security will be required for loans of up to €250,000 outside of the normal criteria of Capitalflow’s Asset Finance products

The maximum amount you can borrow is based on: 25% of your total 2019 business turnover; or double your annual wage bill for 2019

Capitalflow will provide a blended discount rate of 15% off normal rates quoted. This discount rate will be detailed in your loan documentation on signing. Rates ranging from 4% to 10% depending on product, sector and risk, in addition as part of the approval and qualification for the Scheme.

Who Can Apply

To apply for a COVID 19 Credit Guarantee Scheme funding, you must be one of the following:

A Variable Micro Enterprise
A Micro Enterprise is defined as an entity which:
  • has fewer than 10 employees
  • has a turnover and/or balance sheet of €2 million or less
Small Or Medium Sized Eterprise (SME)
An SME is defined by the Standard EU definition [Commission Regulation 2003/361/EC] as an enterprise that:
  • has fewer than 250 employees
  • has a turnover of €50 million or less (or €43 million or less on their balance sheet)
  • is independent and autonomous i.e. not part of a wider group of enterprises
  • has less than 25% of their capital held by public bodies
  • is established and operating in the Republic of Ireland
A Variable Micro Enterprise
A Small Mid-cap is an enterprise that:
  • is not an SME
  • has fewer than 500 employees.
Primary Producer
A Primary Producer is:
  • A person who is engaged in primary production which is the production, rearing or growing of primary products including harvesting, milking and farmed animal production prior to slaughter. It also includes hunting and fishing and the harvesting of wild products.

Frequently Asked Questions

Covid 19 Credit Guarantee Scheme

Lower Cost Funding for Irish Business

with support from the Dept of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE)
and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)