Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme

For SMEs in sectors other than fishery and aquaculture, the maximum amount of De minimis aid any single recipient can receive cannot exceed €200,000 over a three-year fiscal period.

For SMEs in the fishery and aquaculture sector, de minimis aid is State aid given to an enterprise cannot exceed €30,000 over a three-year fiscal period.

For SMEs in the primary agriculture sector, article 14 of the EU Commission Agriculture Block Exemption Regulation (ABER) states that aid for investments in tangible assets on agricultural holdings linked to primary agricultural production cannot exceed €500,000 per undertaking per investment project.

The total amount of de minimis aid given to a single recipient performing road freight transport for hire or reward cannot exceed €100,000 over a three-year fiscal period.

For loans under EELS, the amount of de minimis aid that is provided to a borrower is determined by the size and duration of the loan under the de minimis rules.

Please note, the de minimis aid is not equal to the total amount of the loan.